Highways Improvement Plan
Please note that ALL Highways matters are now dealt with via a Highways Improvement Plan that has to be agreed between the parish council and KCC Highways.
A Highway Improvement Plan (HIP) is a method whereby KCC will consult with Parish Councils to create a plan for highway improvements in a parish area. The idea is for the Parish Council to list their ideas for improvements in priority order with as much information as possible to allow KCC officers to then investigate the ideas initially as a desk top study and then be able to discuss the ideas a little more in depth.
The benefit of this approach is that there is then an agreed document setting out the various schemes and the recommended action going forward.
KCC have no specific allocation of funding for a HIP, with any funding for a scheme having to enter a bidding process within KCC. Therefore, it is very likely that there will be no, or limited, funding available from KCC. KCC see it as an opportunity to work with Parish Councils with the potential for possibly jointly funding projects or looking to Parishes to fund a scheme possibly in conjunction with the local KCC Member and his grant fund.
Please see the details and locations of 13 new HGV Signs . The parish council is committed to reducing the impact of HGV's in our community.