Meeting Dates 2025
Alkham Parish Council meeting dates for 2025 are:
13th January
3rd February
3rd March
7th April
12th May**
2nd June
7th July
1st September
6th October
3rd November
**12th May Annual Statutory Meeting of the Parish Council
**12th May Annual Village Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting
What is an Annual Meeting of the Parish?
There can often be confusion between the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Statutory Parish Council Meeting. All Town and Parish Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1 March and 1 June (inclusive). Meetings should not commence before 6pm.
What is the purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting?
The purpose of the meeting is to give the Parish Council and other local organisations an opportunity to let local residents know what they have been doing over the past year. The meeting is also an opportunity for electors to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of the Parish.
What else happens at the meeting?
The meeting can also be an opportunity for local groups, clubs, societies and other voluntary and statutory organisations to provide an exhibition and/or have representatives from the group address those present at the meeting about the work they do and what they are involved in.
Who can attend the meeting?
The Annual Parish Meeting is for all electors of the Parish. It is not a meeting of the Parish Council. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting; however, only registered electors of the parish may speak and vote during the meeting.
Will I be able to ask questions and make suggestions?
Any registered elector may ask a question of the Council, which the Chair, the Clerk or the Council, or a designated Councillor will usually answer. An elector may also make a suggestion and comment on anything pertinent to the residents of the Parish. This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.
Who will chair the meeting?
The Chairman of the Council will chair the meeting. The Alkham Annual Parish Meeting is usually convened by the Chairman of the Council; however, the meeting can also be convened by any two Parish Councillors, a Councillor representing the Parish on the District Council, or any six local electors of the Parish.
Will Parish Councillors be at the meeting?
All Parish Councillors will be invited to attend and can also present updates on current projects. Councillors will also have an opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish. However, the purpose of the meeting is to enable the electors to find out what is going on in their parish and to have their say.
Will minutes of the meeting be taken?
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting proceedings shall be drawn up and entered in a book provided for the purpose. The minutes shall be reviewed and signed at the next Annual Parish Meeting.
How long will the meeting last?
The meeting length depends on the number of electors present, the number of questions asked and the discussion that is raised. Generally, the meeting will not last longer than one hour.
Where can I get copies of the papers for the meeting?
The agenda calling the meeting is published 7 clear days before the meeting.